What our Volunteers are Saying:

Paula H. volunteers once a week with the Administrative Team at Dale Brain Injury Services: 

“Volunteering with Dale Services has been a very good and positive experience.  It has helped me to retrain my brain. I am grateful for the grace and the mercy that the people I encounter at Dale extend to me, because it is a completely different environment than other places.  It is a place that I feel safe to experiment, and to try and learn new things.” - 2019 


Mike C. volunteers in Group Services at Dale Brain Injury Services: 

"One of the reasons I volunteer is that I can really relate to a lot of the clients, and give them some positive support and help them through their day" - 2019 

Mike C. pictured with client Geoffrey G. in a fitness group. 

Ryan F. volunteers in Group Services at Dale Brain Injury Services: 

What I like about volunteering at DBIS: 

"Empowering others to be able to fulfill what they want in life." - 2019